Band Victor Urbis im Es Punt in Colonia Sant Jordi

Avenida Primavera 21
07638 Colonia Sant Jordi
+34  681 - 10 44 77

+34 646 - 75 21 25

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ES PUNT con música en vivo

Thuesday-Sunday:            from 21:00 h

Fridy life music:                 from 22:00 h 
Mondays closed
Program & Reservation over WEB-Es-PUNT

People meet in the evening after visiting the restaurant at the entertainment mile in Colonia Sant Jordi in the concert cafe ES PUNT on the terrace or at the bar in the restaurant.

Every Friday evening there is live music with changing groups from the island to a wide variety of music styles. Enjoy your cocktail with the sounds of Caribbean music, blues, funk, rock & roll ...

Concert-Cafe ES PUNTS in Colonia Sant Jordi, Avenida Primavera
Concert-Cafe ES PUNTS in Colonia Sant Jordi, Lifemusik am Freitag Abend

Concert-Cafe ES PUNTS in Colonia Sant Jordi, Avenida Primavera

Concert-Cafe ES PUNTS in Colonia Sant Jordi, Avenida Primavera
Lifemusik jeden Freitag Abend im Es Punt in Colonia Sant Jordi Es Punt in Colonia Sant Jordi: Bar auf der Terrasse Band Victor Urbis im Es Punt in Colonia Sant Jordi